You may be wondering to yourself "what is wrong with this picture?" On November 20th I had a meeting I needed to attend after work. Craig eagerly took baby duty and picked Andrew up from daycare for some much needed daddy bonding time. All was well (at first) but when I called home to check in Andrew was screaming so loud I couldn't hear Craig. I told him to check his diaper and try a nap. I would be home in 15 minutes to feed him. Craig did this and when I got home Andrew was fast asleep. Anxiously awaiting for him to wake up Craig and I talked about our hectic days. When Andrew awoke 45 minutes later I scooped him up and heading for the floor to have some mommy and baby play time. We had been practicing sitting up but when I went to put Andrew in a sitting position, I noticed something strange. His legs wouldn't bend. After further examination this is what I found. After changing his Diaper, Craig was in a bit of a hurry with his pants. No wonder he was crying so hard. He actually went for a little over an hour with his pants on like this (granted most of it was spent napping). Craig definitely has issues with pants. Andrew's first real outing at 6 days old was to Church and half way through the Mass I realized that Craig had put his pants on backwards. I think I'll deal with the dressing for awhile. I was laughing so hard this time that the first thing I did was grab the camera to share this with you. I hope you enjoyed a good laugh!

1 comment:
as long as he isn't counting cougar touchdowns... :-)
sooo cute! see you tuesday.
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