Rachel was baptized on February 19th. Thanks to all our family and friends who were able to help us celebrate this special occasion. She was quite the trooper and slept through the whole thing. She is definitely not a morning person and refused to wake up for the 9:00 a.m. ceremony. Andrew on the other hand was so excited to be sitting so close to the front in church. This area is usually avoided due to its difficult emergency exits for when 2 year olds decide they like the sound of their echo during Sunday services. It is also way too close to fire (candles) something that continues to intrigue our son...a little pyro in the making. After running up on the alter a few to many times Uncle Patrick and Aunt Abbey whisked him away to the playground outside. He was not happy about this and insisted on seeing his daddy but managed to crack a smile when Uncle Patrick got all wet trying to entertain him by going down the slide. I'm sure this will prove to be good practice for Patrick and Abbey's little one on the way. Congrats you two!