Our baby boy is turning two. He reminds us of this daily with his asertive "no" and favorite phrase "but I want it." He's still as cute as can be. We can't pass by anyone without a friendly little "hello" and he always remembers to say "thank you" even when we forget. He lights up our world and is the definition of happiness.
Happy 2nd Birthday Baby Boy!
A few of my favorite things...
Vrooms...especially ones I can ride on.
Walks...and being outside.
Choo Choo Cartoons...Chuggington's daddy's favorite.
Beeps...A.K.A. blueberries, blackberries, strawberries, etc.
Hot Tubs...my favorite thing to convince daddy to do with me at night.
Daddy...I am definitely a "daddy's boy" and can get him to do anything.

We finally climbed out of our crib. I was hoping this day was still in the distant future but all it took was one long night. Grandma Mary and the twins are coming to the rescue. We've inherited their old bunk beds. A new adventure begins.