Andrew's first trip to the Lake. A cold rainy August weekend but some fun times sitting around the campfire and visiting with family and friends.
Aunt Tera and Cousin Dee Auntie Julie!
Rocking with Great Grandma Betty. Cousins Dustyn and Kayden pose for a picture with Drew. Snugglin' with Grandpa Gary.
My best buddy Jacksen gives me my most special gift. He read me his first book and gave it to me to enjoy. I love reading my new book and can't wait for Jacksen to come visit and read it to me again! I love you Jacksen! Meeting Great Grandpa Jack and Great Grandma Ann for the first time.
Craig and I met 14 years ago at WSU. We fell and love and that was only the begining. Enjoying every Cougar home game together since we met, we now share this with our son Andrew and baby girl Rachel. Yes we bleed Crimson and our now three year old son walks around the house singing the Cougar Fight Song to prove it!